IHP – Logo Stickers

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Project Details

IHP is a clothing company that makes great products but has trouble getting its name out there. The problem with most marketing campaigns is that they’re too expensive and take too long to see results. It’s also hard because IHP’s products are vulgar in nature. Fusion created custom stickers for the clothing brand, which can be added to each order and mailed out randomly for free. This helps spread the word about their brand without breaking the bank or taking up too much time in an already busy schedule.

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Promotional Stickers

You need some promotional stickers for an upcoming event, but you're not sure where to start. You've never ordered stickers before, and you don't know what to look for. With Fusion, getting promotional stickers is easy and affordable. We can help you design the perfect sticker for your event, and we have a variety of materials and sizes to choose from. Contact us today to get started on your promotional stickers! We'll work with you to create a design that represents your event and meets your budget requirements.

Promotional Items

You need to find a unique and fun promotional item that people will actually keep. You've looked online and in stores, but you can't seem to find anything that meets your needs. Let Fusion Marketing help you find the perfect promotional item! We love promo items and swag, and our items are sourced directly from the manufacturers so you save money. Plus, we have a wide selection of items to choose from so you're sure to find something that meets your needs. Let Fusion Marketing help you find the perfect promotional item for your next event! With our wide selection of unique and fun items, you're sure to find something that everyone will love.

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