DDI insurance – Logo

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Man Holding Poster Design Mockup

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Project Details

DDI Insurance is a company that is dedicated to providing quality insurance coverage for its clients. DDI Insurance hired Fusion Marketing to design a company logo for DDI Insurance. We chose a serif font and dark blue because it’s a trusting color. In addition, the logo communicates the idea of security and protection, which are key elements of any insurance policy.

5-star Logo Design

You're starting a new business and you need a logo, but you don't know where to start. You've heard that designing your own logo can be tricky, and you don't have the time or resources to do it on your own. We design logos for businesses every day, so we know exactly what to do. We'll work with you to create a logo that represents your brand perfectly. Plus, our fast turnaround means you'll have your logo in no time! Let us help you design the perfect logo for your business. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way to create a logo that represents your brand perfectly. Plus, our fast turnaround means you'll have your logo in no time!

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