Fusion Marketing Blog

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Fusion News

CannaCon Detroit 2018 – Photos

CannaCon Detroit 2018 – Photos

Fusion Marketing was invited to cover CannaCan Detroit 2018 by Daniel of Fowler & Williams, PLC. We didn’t know what to think but Dan had our attention seeing as we had never covered an expo of the likes before.

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2017 Fraser Trunk or Treat

2017 Fraser Trunk or Treat

October 28, 2017 was Fraser Michigan‘s annual “Trunk or Treat” event. Lots of scary children (of all ages) made their way through the Ram’s Horn parking lot to collect treats from local vendors, city representatives and numerous others.

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Fraser Trunk or Treat 2016

Fraser Trunk or Treat 2016

The Fusion Marketing team had a ghoulishly, fun time at the trunk or treat held in the Rams Horn of Fraser’s parking lot. We gave out lots of goodies to all the good little boys and girls. Maybe you even had a chance to take a photo with our Happy Halloween cut out. Feel free to share our event pictures with your friends.

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