Client’s Challenge: A&E Appliance Repair needed vibrant, functional appointment cards their technicians could leave with customers after a service visit, further reinforcing their brand presence. The cards had to be writable on one side, maintain the company’s branding, and be visually appealing.
Design Approach: Utilizing Adobe Illustrator, the team crafted a full-color, double-sided design that seamlessly incorporated A&E’s branding elements. We carefully chose a writable surface to ensure easy notations by technicians using a ballpoint pen. We included a notes section with lines on the back of the card.
Key Challenges: The primary challenge was designing a card that adeptly balanced the iconic A&E brand with the practicality of being writable. Researching material options and testing pen compatibility proved essential to overcoming this challenge.
Final Outcome and Client Feedback: The result of this design process was a cohesive marketing tool that not only left a lasting impression on customers but also ensured clear communication about the future needs of the client. A&E Appliance Repair expressed delight with their new cards, praising their practicality and exceptional design.