Emily Alber Art – Greeting Cards

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Custom Printed Greeting Cards 1 Custom Printed Greeting Cards 2 Custom Printed Greeting Cards 3 Custom Printed Greeting Cards 4

Project Details

Finding the perfect holiday card can be really hard. The cards you find in stores are either too cheesy or too boring for your taste. There is a better option out there, but it’s hard to find. That’s where Fusion Marketing comes in! We took Emilie Alber’s artwork and used our printing expertise to create custom greeting cards that were as unique as her work while also being high quality enough to sell. Each card featured her tribute artwork to Ruth Bader Ginsburg (The Notorious RBG) with the saying “Season’s greetings from your favorite Snowflake” on the reverse.

Custom Printing

Printing your own business cards, letterheads, and other office materials can be a hassle. You have to spend time researching what stock to use, what design to pick, and how to print them correctly. Leave the printing to the experts at Fusion Marketing. We'll help you choose the perfect stock for your material, design it according to your specifications, and make sure that they are printed correctly so you can focus on what's important - running your business. Save time and headaches by letting Fusion Marketing take care of all your printing needs. We're not cheap, but we're worth it!

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