Colleen’s Foods – Logo Design

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Project Details

Fusion Marketing was recently commissioned to create a logo for the parent company of multiple brands, Colleen’s Foods INC. We were tasked with creating an iconic design that could be used in multiple colors and had a clean and “generic” feel.

The goal was to anoid outshining the other companies the brand represents. Our team worked diligently to craft a timeless logo featuring the name “boxed” in with bolts around it. We strove to make our design subtle yet powerful, suggestive of Colleen’s Foods Inc.’s underlying message of a strong partnership among its various brands. With these goals in mind, our end product was successful: an aesthetically pleasing layout that accurately conveyed their “stamp of approval” without overpowering any individual branding of the companies they represent.

5-star Logo Design

You're starting a new business and you need a logo, but you don't know where to start. You've heard that designing your own logo can be tricky, and you don't have the time or resources to do it on your own. We design logos for businesses every day, so we know exactly what to do. We'll work with you to create a logo that represents your brand perfectly. Plus, our fast turnaround means you'll have your logo in no time! Let us help you design the perfect logo for your business. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way to create a logo that represents your brand perfectly. Plus, our fast turnaround means you'll have your logo in no time!

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